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To Squat or Not to Squat?

[read time ~1 minute + VIDEO]

Many daily activities-- like getting out of a car, or sitting down on a couch-- involve squatting. And when you take a flight of stairs instead of using the elevator, you are performing a shallow squat on one leg at a time.

Most people know that they need to train for activities like running or biking. They wouldn’t sign up for a long charity run or ride without preparing for the level of fitness required.

However, many people are hesitant to perform squats-- even though they are unintentionally squatting every day. Some people have had a doctor tell them to avoid squats. Others have experienced pain following squats or they are afraid they might hurt themselves.

By including safe squats in your exercise routine, you will prepare for the activities you enjoy, and decrease the chance of hurting yourself.

This video explains how to determine at home if squats are safe for you:

And this is how I measure my clients' tolerance for squatting:

For more information on safely strengthening your knees, read How to Grow Strong Knee Joints and Can You Rebuild Knee Cartilage?

For expert guidance in preparing your body for safe squats-- and avoiding pain and injuries-- work with me. To learn if working together is a good fit for you, schedule a Strategy Session, by clicking here.

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